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united front artinya

contoh kalimat "united front"
  • Spread the word. The Revolutionary United Front is coming.
    Sebarkan beritanya, Front Revolusioner Bersatu datang!
  • Several United Front leaders and activists were arrested.
    Beberapa pemimpin dan aktivis Front Bersatu ditangkap.
  • The whole family needs to put up a united front for Ig.
    semua keluarga akan menggalang persatuan buat Ig.
  • You know, sort of a united front.
    Kau tahu, semacam sebuah front persatuan.
  • Popular fronts are larger in scope than united fronts.
    Front populer memiliki cangkupan yang lebih besar ketimbang front bersatu.
  • We need to present a united front.
    Kita harus menunjukkan kebersatuan.
  • We need to show a united front.
    Kita harus perlihatkan persatuan.
  • A united front, especially now.
    Kita harus tegas, khususnya saat ini.
  • It would be a lot easier if we actually were a united front.
    Akan jauh lebih mudah jika kita benar-benar bersatu.
  • I'm talking about going out there, presenting' a strong, united front.
    Maksudku kita harus keluar menunjukkan wajah yg kuat, yg tetap bersatu.
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